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bug#71913: 29.1; shr: shr-resize-image does not behave as expected

From: George Huebner
Subject: bug#71913: 29.1; shr: shr-resize-image does not behave as expected
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 14:02:33 -0500

Aha: after patching Elfeed to render after buffer display (which seems to fix the display of raster images), I actually did find behaviour that I believe should be addressed in shr, not in Elfeed; let me know what you think.

If an image is a SVG, `shr-put-image` will not respect `shr-max-image-proportion`, because it will pass it directly to `create-image`, instead of resizing it:
#+begin_src elisp
;; in `shr-put-image`
((eq content-type 'image/svg+xml)
        (when (image-type-available-p 'svg)
  (create-image data 'svg t :ascent shr-image-ascent)))
(ignore-errors (shr-rescale-image data content-type
(plist-get flags :width) (plist-get flags :height)))))))

As I understand it, this decision was likely made because the dimensions of SVGs is weird; they aren't inherently required to have a size, but the SVG itself can define a viewbox with accompanying width and height (full disclosure: I have no idea what I'm talking about).

Using `shr-rescale-image` instead seems to do the trick (and respects SVGs that should display smaller than `shr-max-image-proportion`), but please do let me know if I'm ignoring an edge case or there's a better way to address this.
#+begin_src elisp
(setq shr-put-image-function (lambda (spec alt &optional flags)
 (if (display-graphic-p)
     (let* ((size (cdr (assq 'size flags)))
             (data (if (consp spec)
                       (car spec)
             (content-type (and (consp spec)
                                (cadr spec)))
             (start (point))
             (image (cond
                     ((eq size 'original)
                      (create-image data nil t :ascent 100
                                    :format content-type))
            ;; BEGIN fix
                     ((eq content-type 'image/svg+xml)
                     (when (image-type-available-p 'svg)
                                ; (create-image data 'svg t :ascent 100)))
(shr-rescale-image data 'svg (plist-get flags :width) (plist-get flags :height))))
            ;; END fix
                     ((eq size 'full)
                        (shr-rescale-image data content-type
(plist-get flags :width) (plist-get flags :height))))
                        (shr-rescale-image data content-type
(plist-get flags :width) (plist-get flags :height)))))))
       (when image
          ;; When inserting big-ish pictures, put them at the
          ;; beginning of the line.
          (when (and (> (current-column) 0)
                     (> (car (image-size image t)) 400))
            (insert "\n"))
         (let ((image-pos (point)))
            (if (eq size 'original)
                (insert-sliced-image image (or alt "*") nil 20 1)
              (insert-image image (or alt "*")))
            (put-text-property start (point) 'image-size size)
            (when (and shr-image-animate
                      (cdr (image-multi-frame-p image)))
             (image-animate image nil 60 image-pos))))
   (insert (or alt "")))))
#+end_src elisp

>From 8f911a56beaf52f0df18537d0f9abae8373d7133 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: George Huebner <george@feyor.sh>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 01:57:15 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] elfeed-show: render after switching to entry buffer

shr can't respect `shr-max-image-proportion` because it isn't rendered
in a window; call `elfeed-search-show-entry` first to fix this.

See https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=71913
 elfeed-show.el | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/elfeed-show.el b/elfeed-show.el
index 4915cae..e16b4bf 100644
--- a/elfeed-show.el
+++ b/elfeed-show.el
@@ -214,9 +214,9 @@ The result depends on the value of 
   (let ((buff (get-buffer-create (elfeed-show--buffer-name entry))))
     (with-current-buffer buff
-      (setq elfeed-show-entry entry)
-      (elfeed-show-refresh))
-    (funcall elfeed-show-entry-switch buff)))
+      (setq elfeed-show-entry entry))
+    (funcall elfeed-show-entry-switch buff)
+    (elfeed-show-refresh)))
 (defun elfeed-show-next ()
   "Show the next item in the elfeed-search buffer."

On Fri, Jul  5, 2024 at 13:11:29 EST Jim Porter wrote:

(Cc'ing the bug list to follow up there too.)

On Wed, Jul 3, 2024 at 1:26 PM George Huebner <george@feyor.sh> wrote:

You're quite right... I understood ~(not (get-buffer-window
(current-buffer) t))~ (in shr-rescale-image) was preventing
rescaling in undisplayed buffers, but in retrospect this is the
responsibility of the caller, as you say.

Apologies for the fruitless bug report, this thread can be closed.

On the contrary, I think it makes sense to do *something* here. At minimum, Elfeed should probably get a fix, since I've noticed this issue there too (but never bothered to figure out why). Now that you
found minimal steps to reproduce, hopefully we can fix Elfeed.

It might also be good to at least document this limitation, or even enhance 'shr-max-image-proportion' to support absolute pixel sizes,
which would be immune to this issue.

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