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tar 1.13.17/18 and listed-incremental

From: Andreas Degert
Subject: tar 1.13.17/18 and listed-incremental
Date: 21 Dec 2000 19:57:25 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0807 (Gnus v5.8.7) XEmacs/21.1 (Channel Islands)


with gnutar version 1.13.17 the command

tar -c -l -g listfile /<dir1> /<dir1>/<dir2>

does not generate a correct 'listfile' when dir1 and dir2 are
mountpoints (i only tested it for mountpoints). A subsequent call of
the same command should not write any files (apart from the dir info
for incremental backup, and assuming nothing in the filesystem
changed). Instead, random (?) parts of the filesystem are written to
tape on the second call.

With version 1.12 this works.

Version 1.13.18 works correctly if the order of command line args is

tar -c -l -g listfile /<dir1>/<dir2> /<dir1>

but does not write any files of dir2 when using the other order.

Please feel free to ask if you need more data/explanation/testing.


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