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graph --help needs to get itself presentable

From: Dan Jacobson
Subject: graph --help needs to get itself presentable
Date: 09 Oct 2002 12:18:53 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Gentlemen, it is much harder to visually pick out the options jumbled
at the right than the ones nicely indented on the left:
$ graph --help
Usage: graph [--display-type | -T arg] [--auto-abscissa | -a [arg(s)]]
         [--clip-mode | -K arg] [--fill-fraction | -q arg]
         [--font-name | -F arg] [--font-size | -f arg]
         [--grid-style | -g arg] [--height-of-plot | -h arg]
         [--input-format | -I arg] [--line-mode | -m arg]
         [--line-width | -W arg] [--right-shift | -r arg]
         [--save-screen | -s] [--symbol | -S [arg(s)]] [--tick-size | -k arg]
         [--toggle-auto-bump | -B] [--toggle-axis-end | -E arg]...
Perhaps indent all of them to the left. 
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