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Errors in documentation

From: Chris Seaton
Subject: Errors in documentation
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 22:27:11 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6-1.1.fc4 (X11/20050720)

In The Format of PO Files I see

"The general structure of a PO file should be well understood by the translator. When using PO mode, very little has to be known about the format details, as PO mode takes care of them for her."

Who's this 'her'?

Are you saying all users of gettext are women? I mean you've actually gone out of your way to exclude men here.

You could have used the singular 'they' like anyone else, but you actually _went out of your way_ to find a way of saying it that was exclusive!


Also, the text is littered with such things such as


Why on earth are you quoting using the grave accent on one side, and the apostophe on the other?

Chris Seaton

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