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bung in release 3.1.5

From: Mirco Meniconi
Subject: bung in release 3.1.5
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 10:18:25 +0200 (CEST)

Please look at this strange behaviour:

#~/gawk-3.1.5/gawk 'FS="\t" {print $1}' f.txt
123 4565

#~/gawk-3.1.5/gawk -v FS="\t" '{print $1}' f.txt
123 4565
123 4565

the content of the file f.txt is
123 4565        789
123 4565        789
123     4565 789

the content of the first two lines is the same and the tab is present between
the second and the third field (I'm sorry but my e-mail client does not supprt
the tab). While on the third line the tab is present between the first and the
second field.
... Gawk seems to confuse the "space character" of the first row with a "tab",
but this appens only when I use a command line like this (#~/gawk-3.1.5/gawk
'FS="\t" {print $1}' f.txt). In fact in the other case (that is when I type
~/gawk-3.1.5/gawk -v FS="\t" '{print $1}' f.txt) gawk works well.

NB: this behaviour is independent on the text file gawk processes

Anyway, find attached the file f.txt
best Regards

Mirco Meniconi


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123 4565        789
123 4565        789
123     4565 789

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