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Re: [Bug-gnubg] Patches for go-to-next-marked

From: Jim Segrave
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnubg] Patches for go-to-next-marked
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 12:27:21 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Wed 07 Aug 2002 (21:36 +0000), Joern Thyssen wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> On Wed, Aug 07, 2002 at 04:18:26PM +0200, Jim Segrave wrote
> > 
> > I've added some code to allow the game record window to have two
> > additonal buttons. These will move you to the next/previous marked
> > move in the list (if there is one). If there is no next/previous
> > marked move, nothing happens. 
> At some point we might consider refining this, for example, "next move
> marked bad" etc.

Unless you're as bad a player as I am, there aren't usually that many
moves marked that it's worth filtering the moves out, in my
opinion. It's also not advisable if you're like me and you do a game
analysis with say 'expert settings' to get a quick overview, then use
world class++ to re-evaluate the dubious moves to get a more accurate
view of those.

Which leads to a side point or two:

First, the analyis settings allows you to set chequer and cube
analysis in one window, whereas you have two separate ones for
evaluation. Personally I think evaluation should have a single window
as well. 

Second - the preset evaluation/analysis settings go from 0 ply in
expert mode to 2 ply in world-class and world-class++. Is there a
reason not to have a 1 ply setting? I've noticed huge changes in the
equities between 0 and 2 ply, which is hardly surprising. But the 2
ply presets are noticeably slower in processing. I have used a 1 ply,
huge search space which seems to be a good tradeoff in first-cut
accuracy and performance on a slower - P6 350MHz machine. I'm wondering
if there's a reason for the break from 0 ply to 2 ply in the presets?

> > I've added the buttons as the rightmost pair on the game list
> > window. They should have their own pixmaps, I simply stole the ones
> > used for next/previous game. I have no idea how to generate a pixmap,
> > but, if I did, I would duplicate the next/previous move pixmaps and
> > overlay a question mark over them.  
> You should be able to edit the pixmaps in most unix image manipulation
> programs, e.g., GIMP.
> I've attached some examples.
> Thx for your patch!

I've incorporated your buttons - they look fine to me and also made a
slight bugfix (when moving forward to the next marked move, the board
was not being re-calculated, so the board position was well out of
step with the selected move). The patches are against today's CVS -
that is they are a replacement rather than an update of the other

Jim Segrave           address@hidden

Attachment: b2.diff.gz
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