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[bug #64061] pdfpic.tmac requires non-standard sed feature

From: Dave
Subject: [bug #64061] pdfpic.tmac requires non-standard sed feature
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2023 09:24:20 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #7, bug #64061 (project groff):

[comment #5 comment #5:]
> Dave, can you give this a crack on your Mac OS X 10.11.6 host?

I _think_ I got it to work?

You'll have to check my work, because I appear to be missing a step.  I took
the pdfpic*system macro from the file "64061.diff" attached to
http://lists.gnu.org/r/groff/2023-04/msg00190.html, but the patch in comment
#5 is not against the same version of that macro; there appears to be an
intermediate revision I'm missing.  So I interpolated, hopefully correctly.

First, I set up a small input file that is basically the "64061.diff" version
of pdfpic*system with a couple edits to (a) call your fake-pdfinfo script from
comment #6, rather than pdfinfo itself, so that we know exactly what data
we're working with, and (b) hard-code a path in place of
\*[pdfpic*temporary-file].  All the test file does is define the macro and
then invoke it:

$ cat pdfpic.test
.de pdfpic*system
.  ds pdfpic*command ./fake-pdfinfo
.  eo
.  as pdfpic*command " | tr -d '\\000'
.  as pdfpic*command " | sed -n -e '/Page *size:/
.  as pdfpic*command s/Page *size: *\\([0-9.]*\\) *x *\([0-9.]*\\).*$/
.  as pdfpic*command .nr pdfpic*width  (p;\\1)\\n
.  as pdfpic*command .nr pdfpic*height (p;\\2)/'
.  as pdfpic*command " -e tprint -e b -e :print -e p
.  ec
.  as pdfpic*command " > /tmp/pdfpic-temporary-file
.  sy \*[pdfpic*command]
.  rm pdfpic*command
.  pdfpic*system
$ groff -U pdfpic.test
$ cat /tmp/pdfpic-temporary-file
.nr pdfpic*width  (p;612)n.nr pdfpic*height (p;792)

That didn't work and we knew it wouldn't, so no surprises there.

Now's where I had to do a little guesswork to apply the patch.  Here's how my
version of pdfpic.patched.test differs from the original test:

$ diff -u pdfpic.test pdfpic.patched.test
--- pdfpic.test 2023-04-22 07:41:13.000000000 -0500
+++ pdfpic.patched.test 2023-04-22 07:43:54.000000000 -0500
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 .  as pdfpic*command " | tr -d '\\000'
 .  as pdfpic*command " | sed -n -e '/Page *size:/
 .  as pdfpic*command s/Page *size: *\\([0-9.]*\\) *x *\([0-9.]*\\).*$/
-.  as pdfpic*command .nr pdfpic*width  (p;\\1)\\n
-.  as pdfpic*command .nr pdfpic*height (p;\\2)/'
-.  as pdfpic*command " -e tprint -e b -e :print -e p
+.  as pdfpic*command . \\\\R@pdfpic*width  (p;\\1)@
+.  as pdfpic*command " \\\\R@pdfpic*height (p;\\2)@
+.  as pdfpic*command /p'
 .  ec
 .  as pdfpic*command " > /tmp/pdfpic-temporary-file
 .  sy \*[pdfpic*command]
$ groff -U pdfpic.patched.test
$ cat /tmp/pdfpic-temporary-file
. \R@pdfpic*width  (p;612)@ \R@pdfpic*height (p;792)@

So, presuming that
1. my patch is functionally equivalent to yours, and
2. the contents of the temp file are what you expected
then it looks like we have a winner!

pdfpic.patched.test generates an identical temp file on my Linux box, so
that's an encouraging sign.


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