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ltmain.sh quoting fix.

From: Andrew C. Feren
Subject: ltmain.sh quoting fix.
Date: 24 May 2001 19:47:43 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Academic Rigor)

I actually discovered this while compiling an other package (Ethereal)
which bundles a copy of libtool 1.4.  I've included a minimal fix to
correct the problem I was seeing and a more complete fix along with a
patch for sh.test.

The basic problem is that test "never sees" uninitialized variables
that are not quoted.

test $some_unset_var = test_case


test "$some_unset_var" = test_case

in the former case you get the following error message (assuming my sh :-)
test: argument expected

First the minimal patch to ltmain.sh

Attachment: ltmain.sh.patch
Description: minimal patch

Now the alternate (more complete patch)

Attachment: ltmain.sh.big.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: sh.test.patch
Description: Text Data

It just occurred to me that my test in sh.test is actually just a
generalization of the test above it.  Oh well, I'm not going to adjust
it now.  Shouldn't hurt anything to leave two tests, but the two cases
can probably be merged.

-Andrew Feren
 Cetacean Networks, Inc.
 Portsmouth, NH

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