I have strange MIDI output as well... lily 2.4.2
At the end of a \> \! decrescendo, the MIDI volume controls for notes is close
to 0 ! With timidity, I can't hear anything :) It's kind of annoying
Example file is attached
Sorry if I'm not posting at the right place
Alexandre Bourget
\version "2.3.25"
\header {
title = "Le Sommeil de l'Enfant Jésus"
subtitle = "The Sleep Of The Child Jesus"
%subsubtitle = ""
%poet = ""
composer = "F.A. Gevaert"
meter = "Andantino"
%opus = ""
%arranger = ""
%instrument = ""
%dedication = ""
%piece = ""
sop = \context Voice = "sop" \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key fis \minor
\time 2/4
fis4\pp fis8 gis | a4 fis | cis'-- cis-- | cis2 \breathe |
fis\ppp \breathe | cis \breathe | cis8-- b a b | cis2 \breathe | fis,8\< gis a
b\! | b2*3/4\> \breathe s8\! |
cis8\( b a gis | fis2 | fis8 gis a b | cis\) r16 a b8 cis | a2 ~ |
a4 gis8.([ fis16)] | fis2 ~ | fis^\markup{ \italic dim. } ~ | fis | fis2^\markup{ \italic { poco rit. } } \breathe | fis\ppp\fermata
\bar ":|"
alto = \context Voice = "alto" \relative c'' {
\clef treble
\key fis \minor
\time 2/4
R2*4 |
a2\ppp \breathe | fis ~ | fis | eis | cis4.(\( dis8 | e4) e |
e e | fis2\)\> | s4*0\! R2 | R2 | fis2(\pp |
eis) \breathe | cis | d(->^\markup{ \italic dim. } | cis) | d8^\markup{
\italic { poco rit. } } cis d b \breathe | cis2\ppp\fermata
\bar ":|"
tenor = \context Voice = "tenor" \relative c' {
\key fis \minor
\clef "G_8"
\time 2/4
R2*4 |
d2\ppp \breathe | a2( ~ | a4 fis) | gis2 | a(\( | gis4) gis |
a8[( gis]) cis[( b]) | a2\)\> | s4*0\! R2 | R2 | d2(\pp |
b) \breathe | a2 | fis->^\markup{\italic{ dim. }} ~ | fis |
fis8^\markup{\italic{ poco rit. }} eis fis g\breathe | ais2\ppp\fermata
\bar ":|"
basse = \context Voice = "basse" \relative c {
\clef bass
\key fis \minor
\time 2/4
R2*6 |
d2\ppp | cis fis(\( | e4) e |
cis cis | d2\)\> | s4*0\! R2 | R2 | b(\pp |
cis) \breathe | fis2 | b,(->^\markup{\italic{ dim. }} ais) | b^\markup{\italic{
poco rit. }} \breathe | <fis fis'>\ppp\fermata
\bar ":|"
sopUn = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1. "
En -- tre le boeuf et l'â -- ne gris,
sopUnUn = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "2. "
En -- tre les ro -- ses et les lys,
sopUnDeux = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "3. "
En -- tre les pas -- tou -- reaux jo -- lis,
sopUnTrois = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "4. "
En -- tre les deux bras de Ma -- rie,
sopDeux = \lyricmode {
Dors, dors, dors, le pe -- tit Fils:
Mille an -- ges di -- vins,
mil -- le sé -- ra -- phins,
Vo -- lent à l'en -- tour
de ce grand Dieu __ d'a -- mour. __
Dors, dors!
tenorAltoUn = \lyricmode {
%\set vocalName = "2."
%\set vocNam = "2."
Dors, dors, __
dors, dors, __
En -- fant di -- vin!
tenorAltoDeux = \lyricmode {
%\set vocalName = "4."
%\set vocNam = "4."
Dors, __ dors, dors, __
Roi des an -- ges, dors!
basseUn = \lyricmode {
%\set vocalName = "3."
%\set vocNam = "3."
Dors, dors, dors, __
En -- fant di -- vin!
basseDeux = \lyricmode {
Dors, __ dors, dors, __
dors, dors!
#(set-global-staff-size 17)
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
collelyrics = \set Lyrics.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-2 . 2)
collelyricsplus = \set Lyrics.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-1 . 1)
collelyricsbas = \set Lyrics.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-0.5 . 1.5)
collestaff = \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-0 . 0)
italique = {
\override Lyrics.LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
\override Lyrics.LyricText #'font-series = #'medium
medium = {
\override Lyrics.LyricText #'font-series = #'medium
barnum = {
\override Score.BarNumber #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 0)
% Ici c'est pour mettre le nom de l'instrument a l'intérieur du staff. Merci!
On l'insère dans les Lyrics.
vocalnamespace = {
\override Lyrics.VocalName #'break-align-symbol = #'key-signature
tenorbasse = {
\set Staff.instrument = \markup { \column < "Ténor" { "Basse" } > }
sopranoalto = {
\set Staff.instrument = \markup { \column < "Soprano " { "Alto" } > }
\score {
\new ChoirStaff <<
\barnum % pour replacer les bar nums au bon endroit dans le
\new Staff {
\set Staff.instrument = "Soprano "
\new Lyrics {
\lyricsto "sop" { \sopUn }
\new Lyrics {
\lyricsto "sop" { \sopUnUn \sopDeux }
\new Lyrics {
\lyricsto "sop" { \sopUnDeux }
\new Lyrics {
\lyricsto "sop" { \sopUnTrois }
\new Staff {
\set Staff.instrument = "Alto"
\new Lyrics {
\lyricsto "alto" { \tenorAltoUn \tenorAltoDeux }
\new Staff {
\set Staff.instrument = "Ténor"
\new Lyrics {
\lyricsto "tenor" { \tenorAltoUn \tenorAltoDeux }
\new Staff {
\set Staff.instrument = "Basse"
\new Lyrics {
\lyricsto "basse" { \basseUn \basseDeux }
\layout {
\midi {
\tempo 4=94
\paper {
linewidth = 174
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