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Trillspan not showing accidental & a problem with its ending
From: |
Hans Aberg |
Subject: |
Trillspan not showing accidental & a problem with its ending |
Date: |
Tue, 4 Dec 2007 20:43:58 +0100 |
Two problems with the \pitchedTrill construct:
First, the accidental of the auxiliary is not shown in this
particular code:
\version "2.11.35"
above = { \once \override Script #'script-priority = #-100 }
\relative c' {
\key d \minor
\time 12/16
\set beatGrouping = #'(3 2 2 3 2)
\set subdivideBeams = ##t
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 12 16) 3 16)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 12 16) 7 16)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 12 16) 10 16)
\times 3/4 {g'8 f8~} f4 ~ \pitchedTrill f8.~\startTrillSpan ges f8~ |
\above f8.\prall^\markup{\flat} \stopTrillSpan ~f4 r8. r8 |
The output looks as in the first attached image below. Now, if I
replace the first quadruplet with a rest (r8.), then the auxiliary
accidental is shown. It looks as in the second image below. So, in
fact, this is a minimal example for this bug. It odes not seem to
matter what is put in the first quadruplet, though - only that it is
The second problem is that the trill spanner extends into the
following note, in this case the first note of the second measure.
The musical intent here is that the trill should be continued through
last 1/8 note of the first measure, but the first note of the second
measure should only have a pralltriller. If, in the code, I move
forward the \stopTrillSpan to after the last note of the first
measure, then it looks as though it should not be trilled. So here,
there might be needed some rendering refinement, so that the trill
spanner stops shortly shortly after the last note in the trill. Then
there should be plenty of room for both the \prall and its accidental
in the code.
Hans Ã…berg

- Issue 519 in lilypond: PDF filesize has increased between 1.9.8 and 2.10, codesite-noreply, 2007/12/03
- Issue 519 in lilypond: PDF filesize has increased between 1.9.8 and 2.10, codesite-noreply, 2007/12/04
- Trillspan not showing accidental & a problem with its ending,
Hans Aberg <=
- Re: Trillspan not showing accidental & a problem with its ending, Graham Percival, 2007/12/06
- Re: Trillspan not showing accidental & a problem with its ending, Hans Aberg, 2007/12/06
- Re: Trillspan not showing accidental & a problem with its ending, Graham Percival, 2007/12/06
- Re: Trillspan not showing accidental & a problem with its ending, Hans Aberg, 2007/12/06
- minimal examples, Graham Percival, 2007/12/06
- Re: minimal examples, Hans Aberg, 2007/12/07
- Re: minimal examples, Valentin Villenave, 2007/12/07
- Re: minimal examples, Graham Percival, 2007/12/07
- Is "bug reporting" visible enough on lilypond.org?, Erlend Aasland, 2007/12/07
- Re: Is "bug reporting" visible enough on lilypond.org?, Graham Percival, 2007/12/07