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Re: Issue 1683 in lilypond: The dynamic m is broken at staff-size-14

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1683 in lilypond: The dynamic m is broken at staff-size-14
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2011 20:20:55 +0000

Comment #21 on issue 1683 by percival.music.ca: The dynamic m is broken at staff-size-14

fontforge 20110222 contains extra checks for accuracy around overlaps.

Given the number of problems that fontforge without --enable-double causes, I think we should insist that people have with with --enable-double.

1) could somebody add this to the build requirements docs?
2) could somebody add such a check to configure? Maybe make it optional for now, but in a few months we'll make it required.
3) could somebody check whether lilydev currently uses --enable-double?

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