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Re: Cross-staff beam unaesthetic (defect 2.12 -> 2.14)

From: Xavier Scheuer
Subject: Re: Cross-staff beam unaesthetic (defect 2.12 -> 2.14)
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 11:05:21 +0200

On 20 June 2011 00:10, Keith OHara <address@hidden> wrote:
> The default spacing between staves was reduced for version 2.14, to 9 staff-
> spaces from the center of one staff to the next.
> The method to increase it is a little awkward:
>  \new PianoStaff \with {
>    \override StaffGrouper
>      #'staff-staff-spacing #'basic-distance = #10.5
>  } <<
> Is 9 spaces too close to have as the default?  I studied several piano scores
> before choosing 9, knowing that they staves spread as required for (most)
> collisions.
> Lilypond *will* spread the staves if the notes would otherwise force a more
> extreme beam (for example if you write do in place of mi).  Maybe her maximum
> tolerance for high slopes is a little too tolerant?

Actually I do not know.
I'm not used to piano scores.  I just noticed this "unaesthetism" while
helping someone on lilypond-user and in noticing that the output looked
better (IMHO) with 2.12 than with 2.14.
Then I spoke to mike who told me to report it.

You (Keith, Mike, etc.) are more "expert" than me!


Xavier Scheuer <address@hidden>

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