> On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 06:40:47PM +0300, Rami Ylimäki wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > According to [1], 24-bit terminals have become a de facto standard.
> The source is worthless.
Can I ask why? Do you imply that the terminal emulators do not actually support 24-bit colors, and that the referenced gist lies?
It's kinda a fact now that most emulators do support 24-bit colors. The only remaining issue is detecting this support (and the associated sequence codes). Because you apparently seem reticent to add this feature inside terminfo databases, terminals and applications alike are starting to hardcode terminal sequences and export environment variables (`$COLORTERM`), when they don't ask their users to patch their terminfo databases (emacs), which is less than ideal.
What would it take for you to reconsider your position (or to clearly explain what should the ecosystem do instead of modifying terminfo entries, if that's not the right thing to do)?