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Re: [Chicken-hackers] debugging chicken itself

From: Mario Domenech Goulart
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] debugging chicken itself
Date: 20 Feb 2007 17:54:42 -0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

Hi Brandon,

On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 12:34:30 -0800 "Brandon J. Van Every" <address@hidden> 

> Is there a way to trace Chicken's execution of Scheme code?  I'd like
> to see the Scheme code actually executing, even if it is slow.  I'm
> trying to figure out if I can improve Chicken's generation of C code
> for 32-bit floating point math functions.  I find that the sources
> really don't make any sense to me.  If I could see them working, then
> maybe I'd have an idea what's going on, what the flow of control is.

I guess it's not exactly what you are looking for, but maybe it's
worth mentioning some REPL features:

csi> ,?
Toplevel commands:

 ,?                Show this text
 ,p EXP            Pretty print evaluated expression EXP
 ,d EXP            Describe result of evaluated expression EXP
 ,du EXP           Dump data of expression EXP
 ,dur EXP N        Dump range
 ,q                Quit interpreter
 ,l FILENAME ...   Load file with given filename
 ,ln FILENAME ...  Load file and print result of each top-level expression
 ,r                Show system information
 ,s TEXT ...       Execute shell-command
 ,tr NAME ...      Trace procedures
 ,utr NAME ...     Untrace procedures
 ,br NAME ...      Set breakpoints
 ,ubr NAME ...     Remove breakpoints
 ,breakall         Break in all threads
 ,breakonly THREAD Break only in specified thread
 ,c                Continue from breakpoint
 ,info             List traced procedures and breakpoints
 ,step EXPR        Execute EXPR in single-stepping mode
 ,exn              Describe last exception
 ,t EXP            Evaluate form and print elapsed time
 ,x EXP            Pretty print macroexpanded expression EXP
csi> (define (factorial n) (if (< n 2) 1 (* n (factorial (sub1 n)))))
csi> ,tr factorial
csi> (factorial 6)
|(factorial 6)
| (factorial 5)
|  (factorial 4)
|   (factorial 3)
|    (factorial 2)
|     (factorial 1)
|     factorial -> 1
|    factorial -> 2
|   factorial -> 6
|  factorial -> 24
| factorial -> 120
|factorial -> 720

Maybe you can use ,tr to trace the specific procedures you want to

> Failing that, anyone recommend other ways to visualize the code?  In
> the MSVC universe there are typically class browsers, so you can see
> what code belongs to what.  I suppose a call graph generator would be
> helpful; this is typical of profiling tools.

Well, there are some class browsers for Emacs (e.g.,, but I don't know if they may be useful.

Best wishes,

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