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Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH 0/5] List scrutiny special cases

From: Evan Hanson
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH 0/5] List scrutiny special cases
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2014 12:53:35 -0700
User-agent: OpenSMTPD enqueuer (Demoosh)

> > Felix Winkelmann scripsit:
> >> Wow, cool. I have to try these patches out. But note that hardcoding
> >> special cases for SRFI-1 procedures is moot, since these will be
> >> thrown of the core system, sooner or later (or in other words: there
> >> will be only internally used variants, possibly with less error
> >> checking).

Yeah, I thought about that, but once the code was written I figured I'd
put it out there in any case (that's patches #1, #3 and #4). Maybe it'll
be possible to add them to the srfi-1 module when the time comes (either
as a hack or via some future extension to the API -- see below).

> On Tue, 9 Sep 2014 08:03:29 -0400 John Cowan <address@hidden> wrote:
> > Eventually, there should be a way for eggs to add types to the
> > scrutinizer database through a public API of some kind.

There is in general, per Mario's response. However, the reason these are
"special cases" is because they're trying to preserve information in a
way that can't be expressed with the current type specification

If you call `(reverse (list 1 #\2 "3"))`, it's clear that the resulting
type should be `(list string char fixnum)`. However, reverse has the
type `((list-of a) -> (list-of a))`, so the resulting type will be
`(list-of (or fixnum char string))`. That information loss would be nice
to avoid, but in order to do so a specialization needs programmatic
access to the call's argument types. This is done behind the scenes for
a handful of procedures in the scrutinizer, hence "special case".

I don't know what user-level provisions for this would look like.
(Thinking out loud now.) It'd be easiest if we allowed the user to
register a handler procedure at scrutiny time, but that's its own can of
worms. Otherwise, I think you'd have to eval something somewhere.

    (: reverse (forall (a) ((list-of a) -> (list-of a)))
       (((list . #(a)))         ; capture part of the argument type as #(a)
        ((list [reverse #(a)])) ; refer to #(a) somehow in the result type
        #(node)))               ; "node" = leave the original node unchanged


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