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Re: [Chicken-hackers] CHICKEN in production

From: John Cowan
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] CHICKEN in production
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 03:19:21 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Peter Bex scripsit:

> Yes, the implementors.  This adds additional complexity and creates
> more difficulty in testing, and it also makes it harder to use CHICKEN
> on various platforms when you want to use packages.  Punting on the
> issue and leaving it to the user is a cheap cop-out.  I'd rather stick
> with the current behaviour; at least it's a choice we can defend.

All right, to hell with it.  We can't make everyone happy.

John Cowan        address@hidden
Where the wombat has walked, it will inevitably walk again.
   (even through brick walls!)

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