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Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] Convert (most) core units to modules

From: Oleg Kolosov
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] Convert (most) core units to modules
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 22:00:47 +0300

> On Aug 2, 2015, at 21:33, Evan Hanson <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Plain (use extras) works fine. The same with other namespaced modules.
>> It this a bug or a feature?
> It's the start of a feature. :)
> In other words, no, this isn't expected to work yet. As I mentioned way
> back in February, the library names of the core units are unchanged (in
> fact, the whole user-facing import/require API has remained the same, so
> far). When support for `(import (list style library names))` is added,
> those library names may be updated to match, and you'll be able to do
> what you're trying to do as a side effect. But, that's only just been
> started on at this point.

Oh, I've seen various changes to prefixed names in diff and expected this to 
work somehow. Thanks for the clarification.

By the way, while at it, I have another observation:

During tests '-ignore-repository' option is used everywhere. It looks like the 
right thing to do, but compiler tries to load '*.import.scm' from include paths 
anyway. This works incidentally because they are still laying around in build 
directory. And without this option it always looks in the repository first even 
when CHICKEN_REPOSITORY variable is set. Behavior for searching import 
libraries and libraries themselves differs. This can lead to major pitfalls I 

Regards, Oleg

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