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[circle] Re: TheCircle search system

From: thomasV
Subject: [circle] Re: TheCircle search system
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 15:39:43 +0100
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Many thanks for your description, but I had already studied the Chord and Kadmelia papers. My problem is that the key->hash mapping is almost unique. So if I have a user_name->ip map, and let say that "rodrigob" is online.
How do a search for "Rodrigo Benenson" is achieved ?
Or if I search "rodrigo_b" ?

It look that the mapping is unique, so no match for "Rodrigo Benenson" and "rodrigo_b" wil appear.
So how such search are achieved ? A rapid search in the net did not give me a 
real answer. It looks like a complicated problem, but thecircle and overnet 
look to solve it, at least in a basic way.

So, how it is achieved ?


In circle the user IDs are based on their public key, so they are unique.

however, several objects (people or files) can be searched through a common
key (like two persons that have the name rodrigo, or like the keyword 'mp3')
In order to solve this, circle appends a 'salt' to the key, in order to make it unique.
The salt is a random 2 bytes number (or maybe 4 bytes, I do not remember).
The link is then published with the salted key.

So, 'mp3' does not map to a precise location, but to an interval in the table. if there are more than 256^2 objects that have this keyword, the interval is saturated, and no more link can be published (or I guess they are overwritten).
Similarly, a query to a keyword cannot return more than 256^2 results.

I guess Overnet works the same way, because if you type mp3 it returns
a limited number of items.

p.s: yes, using a thecircle to keep the whitepages allow a descentralized users reaching system, avoiying an "adress server". Remember that most ip are dinamic.
that would be great. please let me know if circle needs to be modified for that.
I think it might need to return a port number in addition to the ip address.

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