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gnue/docbook/articles swiss_article_1.txt

From: Neil Tiffin
Subject: gnue/docbook/articles swiss_article_1.txt
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2001 19:13:31 -0700

CVSROOT:        /home/cvs
Module name:    gnue
Changes by:     Neil Tiffin <address@hidden>    01/09/06 19:13:31

Modified files:
        docbook/articles: swiss_article_1.txt 

Log message:
        Add to story.


Index: gnue/docbook/articles/swiss_article_1.txt
diff -u gnue/docbook/articles/swiss_article_1.txt:1.7 
--- gnue/docbook/articles/swiss_article_1.txt:1.7       Wed Sep  5 15:55:05 2001
+++ gnue/docbook/articles/swiss_article_1.txt   Thu Sep  6 19:13:31 2001
@@ -258,33 +258,75 @@
 business tools and applications that automate business functions like
 Sales, Finance, and Supply Chain.
+<need something here>
 These functions are pretty standard in the Enterprise arena, so what
 separates GNUe from other Enterprise Applications like SAP, PeopleSoft,
 and JDEdwards, asks Mr. Harvard.
 Will lets begin with some typical problems.  We already know about the
-cost issues and paying without receiving value.  What happens when you
+cost issues and paying fees without receiving value.  What happens when you
 call customer service.  Do you get a knowledgable quick answer to your
 questions?  Mr. Harvard shakes his head, only when we finally get the
 right person that has the right information.
 Right, so if you are in a real pinch, you have to wait.  With GNUe and
 open software in general they give you all of the information you need
-to fix the problem yourself.  What if my staff does not have time to learn
-enough to fix the problem.  Then you can call a GNUe consutant.  But
-most likely you will get a developer when you call and not some entry level
-So free software does not rely on students.  GNUe makes good use of
-students, but unlike a propritary software vendor you will know
-when you are dealing with a student because of the open nature of
-the development and support process.
-But are GNUe staff paid to work on GNUe? Yes and no.  If not, how can
-i count on someone being available to answer my questions. Good question
-and there are several issues at work here.  GNUe relies on industry
-standards, so the solution to your problem my not necessaryily
-require with the GNUe team.  There is access to many people working
-with these standards.
+to fix the problem yourself.  All the source code. All the build
+instructions.  All the documentation. What if my staff does not have
+time to learn enough to fix the problem.  Then you can call a GNUe
+consutant.  But most likely, you will get a developer when you call and
+not some entry level student.
+So free software does not rely on students?  GNUe makes good use of
+students, but unlike a propritary software vendor you will know when
+you are dealing with a student because of the open nature of the
+development and support process.  Where student are used they are
+usually involved in very focused areas and working under the guidence
+of a senior member of the GNUe team.
+Are GNUe staff paid to work on GNUe and if not, how can I count on
+someone being available to answer my questions? Good question and there
+are several issues at work here.  GNUe relies on industry standards, so
+the solution to your problem my not necessaryily require with the GNUe
+team.  There is access to many people working with these standards plus
+the many people working with GNUe.  For example all communications
+between client and server in multi-tier uses standard CORBA 2.3
+functionality provided by ORBit for the server and tested with
+several different ORBs in the client.
+In addition GNUe has developers in Europe, Australia, and the United
+States. This means that someone is on-line on the GNUe IRC channel 24
+hours per day and usually 7 days per week.  Our response time to solve
+problems has traditionally been veery quick.
+Very impressive, says Mr. Harvard.  But what about fit for my business
+and technical infrastructure.  GNU Enterprise is structured to support
+two types of infrastructure; two-tier and multi-tier client server.
+The two tier version consists of form designer, form client and report
+client connected to an SQL database.  Currently GNU Enterprise supports
+PostGreSQL (as preferred database), MySQL, Oracle, and DB2.
+Incidentantly, DB2 support was contributed by IBM Europe. The two tier
+product is designed to support rapid prototyping and building of SQL
+based solutions for small and medium size businesses.  Many examples
+exist in the distribution including contact manager, purchasing, etc.
+The two tier is the most mature part of GNU Enterprise.
+The main business applications in GNU Enterprise are developed around
+our multi-tier solution.  This includes Supply Chain, Sales, and
+Accounting. The GNU Enterprise team is in the process of integrating
+Bayonne for telephoney applications and double choco latte for web
+access into our server. This will allow access to all GNU Enterprise
+business objects from any telephone, fax, or web appliance.
+Multi-tier uses the same form client, report writer, and form designer.
+The only difference this that the client uses a different the GNU
+Enterprise GEAS driver (CORBA) instead of an SQL server driver.

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