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gnue/docbook/articles swiss_article_1.txt

From: Neil Tiffin
Subject: gnue/docbook/articles swiss_article_1.txt
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 13:32:07 -0400

CVSROOT:        /home/cvs
Module name:    gnue
Changes by:     Neil Tiffin <address@hidden>    01/09/10 13:32:07

Modified files:
        docbook/articles: swiss_article_1.txt 

Log message:
        Add editors comments.


Index: gnue/docbook/articles/swiss_article_1.txt
diff -u gnue/docbook/articles/swiss_article_1.txt:1.9 
--- gnue/docbook/articles/swiss_article_1.txt:1.9       Mon Sep 10 10:53:14 2001
+++ gnue/docbook/articles/swiss_article_1.txt   Mon Sep 10 13:32:06 2001
@@ -97,7 +97,61 @@
  > After I have a discussion with Derek or he reads the emails we will 
  > respond again, hopefully today our time.
+from Sept 6 email
+The starts sounds incredibly interesting! You know, i think you hit
+the interest level of the mixture of our readers much better than I
+could ever have described.
+The magazine is addressed as well to technically interested people, as
+to people who have "to make the IT business work" in their respective
+companies. And many of those companies are small to medium
+companies. But there are also representatives of almost all large
+swiss companies as well as some government agencies.
+I'm eagerly await more stuff ... :-)
+Is it ok to send this draft already to my co-editors?
+from Sept 10 email
+Hi Neil
+I didn't read it yet exactly, but let me make 2 comments:
+1) The grammar and "formulation" ( I don't know the proper english
+   word - I mean "how you express things" will be checked by
+   professional editors. If they think that certain expressions should
+   be changed or whatever to make things clearer to the reader, we
+   will send you a revised article for checking.
+   So if you don't want, you do not have to spend excessive time on
+   this. The "grammar proofreading" will be done anyway by the editors.
+2) I have the feeling from a first overview that your article might
+   become a little too much focused on trying to explain how free
+   software does and can work _at all_. Remember that the whole issue
+   of this magazine will be about free software, and that the basic
+   mechanics and business models of free software will be explained in
+   more general articles.
+   So I think while the intro is illustrative and amusing, some parts
+   of the first chapters (e.g. "does not rely on students") should
+   concentrate more on the specifics of GNUe.
+   It is perfect to explain that GNUe developers are available 7x24
+   hours on an IRC channel. But the basic mechanics of free software,
+   how support models work etc. should be clear to the reader when he
+   or she "hits your article".
+   I understand and agree with you to continue in "your way" to make
+   your article "more selfcontained", e.g. to be able to publish it
+   also elsewhere. If you like to do so, we (the editors) will then
+   probably just cut out some of the parts we regard as repetition in
+   the specific context of our special issue - and of course send you
+   a revised article for approval.
+Anyway - I'm certain your article will be a very valuable contribution
+to our issue! Thanks for your time and energy!
 ********* unused stuff *********************

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