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Promote Your Career Site For Free on Techies.com

From: Techies.com
Subject: Promote Your Career Site For Free on Techies.com
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 14:08:23 -0400

Promote Your Career Site on
techies.com for


FREE Link from Our Employer Directory to Your Career Site.

This new feature highlights your Career Site for 12 months in the techies.com Employer Directory.

Click for details

Contact Us >



11200 W 78th St.
Suite 300
Eden Prairie, MN

Link your Career Site to the techies.com
Employer Directory.

No strings attached!
(Offer ends June 30th, 2002)

techies.com is the main place that nearly one million tech professionals go for career information. And not just any tech professionals. Seasoned and highly skilled ones. We have over 219,000 members with at least 6 years of tech experience, many of whom are just waiting for the perfect opportunity to make their next career move.

And for a limited time, you can list your career site in our Employer Directory for FREE, with no strings attached. This will give you exposure to our entire membership base and will help you maximize your company's online investment by positioning you as a top tech employer!

To view what your link will look like, Go Here!

For details on this limited time offer, Go Here!

Please share this limited FREE offer with all your Recruiting, Hiring and Human Resource contacts.

Offer good until June 30th, 2002

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