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[Demexp-dev] Isa's client code now in CVS

From: David MENTRE
Subject: [Demexp-dev] Isa's client code now in CVS
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 14:46:54 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)


Thanks to d2, Isa's code is now in CVS on savannah. Once the code has
compiled, you can launch the binary lablgtk-clnt/demexp-labgtk-clnt.

The compilation also produced the internal doc:

d2, I have changed the files .ml you sended to me into .ml.nw (noweb
files). If you plan further work on Isa's code, please start from those
files. You can have a look at srv/*.ml files to see how one can write
internal documentation for code. The noweb syntax is just LaTeX + 3

For editing .nw files, I have put this in my .emacs:
;; **start**

;; To have noweb mode automatically
(setq auto-mode-alist
      (append '(("\\.pamphlet$"  . noweb-mode)
                ) auto-mode-alist))

                                        ; many thanks to Hubert Canon 
<address@hidden> for this code
(add-hook 'noweb-mode-hook 'my-noweb-set-mode-code)
(defun my-noweb-set-mode-code ()
  (let* ((filename (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
         (mode (cond ((string-match "^Makefile" filename) 'makefile-mode)
                     ((string-match "\\.lisp\\.pamphlet" filename) 'lisp-mode)
                     ((string-match "\\.lsp\\.pamphlet" filename) 'lisp-mode)
                     ((string-match "\\.clisp\\.pamphlet" filename) 'lisp-mode)
                     ((string-match "\\.c\\.pamphlet" filename) 'c-mode)
                     ((string-match "\\.h\\.pamphlet" filename) 'c-mode)
                     ((string-match "\\.ml\\.nw" filename) 'caml-mode)
                     ((string-match "\\.c\\.nw" filename) 'c-mode)
                     (t 'fundamental-mode))))
    (noweb-set-code-mode mode)))

;; To avoid converting tabulations into spaces using AUC TeX mode
(setq TeX-auto-untabify nil)

;; **end**

 David Mentré <address@hidden>
 GnuPG key fingerprint: A7CD 7357 3EC4 1163 745B  7FD3 FB3E AD7C 2A18 BE9E

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