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[Demexp-dev] New version of security requirements

From: David MENTRE
Subject: [Demexp-dev] New version of security requirements
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 20:45:11 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)


Please find below a new version of the security requirements. I have
mainly refined the requirements on delegation. As usual, if you have any
comment, just speak up.

Security requirements for DemExp

Version: 1.2 / 2004-03-19

* Vote requirements

 - the vote is anonymous. Nobody except the voting participant should
   know his vote

 - each vote is unique for each participant on each question. No
   multiple votes from a participant

 - one should be able to recount vote result from raw votes of each

 - each voter should be able to check that the vote taken into account
   is effectively his vote

 - no voter can change the vote of others

* Delegation requirements

 - delegation is anonymous. Nobody, except the delegator should know
   that a given domain has been delegated by the delegator

 - delegation is unique for each participant.

 - a participant exclusively delegate or vote on each question.

 - a delegation can be changed

 - a participant cannot change the delegation of another participant

 - vote of delegates should be public

 - delegation accountability. A voter should be able to check that the
   delegation he requested is effectively put in place

* Administration requirements

 - only acknowledged users (administrators) should be able to add new
   questions, move questions, etc.

 - everybody (including Anonymous), can ask to add a new question or a
   new response to a question
 David Mentré <address@hidden>

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