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Re: About delegation (was: Re: [Demexp-dev] Protocol to guarantee vote a

From: Serge Leblanc
Subject: Re: About delegation (was: Re: [Demexp-dev] Protocol to guarantee vote anonymity.)
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 22:49:49 +0200

On Tue, 2004-10-05 at 19:07, David MENTRE wrote:
Hello Serge,

Serge Leblanc <address@hidden> writes:

> This anonymity is really a dilemma. The delegation requires to know the
> position of certain voter. 

Yes. Position of delegates is public. However, please notice that there
is, for a person, *two* logins: as an individual and as a delegate.

For example, you would have logins "serge" and "delegate_serge".

The votes taken by "serge" are always hidden. Those made by
"delegate_serge" are always public.

Of course, votes by a delegate as an individual and as a delegate can be

The rationale behind public vote of delegates: delegates vote for
others, so it should be possible to follow his behavior and take
appropriate action if necessary (e.g. withdraw delegation).

> Another questions, Is it possible and desirable to be able to delegate
> his vote to a group of people rather to someone ?  That would make it
> possible to keep the anonymous vote for each one but the result of the
> groups will be public.

It is not currently possible to delegate to a group of people. However,
a group of people could nominate its "official delegate" in the demexp

There is something which heckle me. How the delegate discusses the votes in the name of the persons who have chosen him?

  1. Personal opinion and position (not obligatory because its personal hidden vote can be different).
  2. Common _expression_ of a group of people (example: political group).

In case 2, The official delegate will install a Demexp server and he will ask has these voters the position that he must take to have a democratic justification and discharge.

My thinking is rather ;  the voters affiliate themselves has groups the results votes of these groups can be used for the delegation.

> I can also bring you my knowledge of the transformation and safeguard of
> informations XML.

Yes, any expertise in XML will be much appreciated. What do you mean by
"safeguard of XML"?
I wanted spoken about the persistency of information by a save and a load of this information in XML files.

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