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Re: [Demexp-dev] demexp 0.6 Debian package available

From: Thomas Petazzoni
Subject: Re: [Demexp-dev] demexp 0.6 Debian package available
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 11:33:07 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050322)


[ I'm wondering what's the correct usage of the mailing-lists ? Is demexp-dev supposed to be an english-speaking mailing-list ? What's the difference with demexp-en ? Is demexp-dev technical, and demexp-en a mailing-list for the broader political project ? Anyway, I removed demexp-fr from the Cc: list since we're speaking english. ]

skaller wrote:

I use Ubuntu, which is basically debian, so I'm interested BUT
I have to ask what binaries you're providing?

I do not yet provide binaries for Ubuntu, but I may do so within next week, if I find the time to set up the proper pbuilder environnements. In the mean time, it's maybe possible to use the Debian packages in Ubuntu, I don't know.

I run Linux on x86_64 ...

I do not provide x86_64 yet. Frederic Lehobey should quite soon provide PowerPC and SPARC binaries, but no one said that he would provide x86_64 binaries. However, I recently bought an x86_64 box, but I'm still running in 32bit mode (didn't had time to reinstall my Debian).

This is all a bit messy, Debian doesn't support x86_64 yet,
and only recently has the patched ocamlopt been added
to the Debian archive .. kind of curious since Debian
will never build it (but the Ubuntu rewrap does).

Debian doesn't officially support x86_64, but unofficial Sarge ISOs are available for this architecture, which is well maintained.

Regarding Ocaml support for x86_64, I have no idea, I'm not an expert in that area.

I had one heck of a time trying to build demexp from
source due to all the dependencies, some of them
not building properly on x86_64. I also can't get GODI to work at the moment from CVS.

All dependencies are already packaged in Debian, so, using the demexp work I've done (which is available through SVN), you should be able to produce x86_64 binaries without too much trouble.

If you're interested in doing so, let me know, and I'll try to give more details about it.


Thomas Petazzoni

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