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[Demexp-dev] Demexp lists usage.

From: Frederic Lehobey
Subject: [Demexp-dev] Demexp lists usage.
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 12:55:30 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i


On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 11:33:07AM +0200, Thomas Petazzoni wrote:
> [ I'm wondering what's the correct usage of the mailing-lists ? Is 
> demexp-dev supposed to be an english-speaking mailing-list ? What's the 
> difference with demexp-en ? Is demexp-dev technical, and demexp-en a 
> mailing-list for the broader political project ?

Yes, exactly.

> I do not provide x86_64 yet. Frederic Lehobey should quite soon provide 
> PowerPC and SPARC binaries, but no one said that he would provide x86_64 

Yes. Let's say end of the week (if debootstrap problems in sid are
over) for powerpc and sparc.   :)
> >This is all a bit messy, Debian doesn't support x86_64 yet,
> >and only recently has the patched ocamlopt been added
> >to the Debian archive .. kind of curious since Debian
> >will never build it (but the Ubuntu rewrap does).
> Debian doesn't officially support x86_64, but unofficial Sarge ISOs are 
> available for this architecture, which is well maintained.

Some links:

> >I had one heck of a time trying to build demexp from
> >source due to all the dependencies, some of them
> >not building properly on x86_64. I also can't get 
> >GODI to work at the moment from CVS.
> All dependencies are already packaged in Debian, so, using the demexp 
> work I've done (which is available through SVN), you should be able to 
> produce x86_64 binaries without too much trouble.
> If you're interested in doing so, let me know, and I'll try to give more 
> details about it.

If you were to give such details to John, please also send copies to
the -dev list for future reference.

# apt-get build-deb ...

might be of help.


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