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Re: [Demexp-dev] Win32 binary for demexp 0.6

From: GISQUET Christophe
Subject: Re: [Demexp-dev] Win32 binary for demexp 0.6
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 21:07:26 +0200 (CEST)

Good evening,

On Wed, 31 Aug 2005, David MENTRE wrote:
The config file of 0.4 is not used. But it should not crash however. I

It creates a folder .demexp in the user homedir. This folder isn't deleted when uninstalling under win32, which is probably good.

you should try to run the byte code version (demexp-client.bc) with
the following environment variable set with this value:

Thanks for having saved me the time of doing this ;)

This should gives a backtrace with function calls and line numbers.

I could probably strip demexp client then, as the debug symbols are probably useless.

Ok. But notice that the README provides documentation of the options.

Yes, I rushed this too much.

Well, the configure script was a first attempt and I was expecting
people like you to point out issues. I'll modify the script so that it
provides hint on option to use to avoid issues.

Patches attached. Fixed also latex quoted as required which is not really the case. I wonder what is now my rank in direct code contributors to demexp project :-)

This sounds to me too much like "read the 'fine' code" which I'd prefer not to comment.

You don't like my code? ;-)

Not that, rather that I'm getting tired of such code quality guidelines as "the doc is the code" (and vice versa). Not having read all of README, and as configure didn't have an --help flag, it looked to me like this. :)

I've put online an installer available here:

A new NSIS script was needed; it is at the same dump site.

btw, it is based on latest win32 GTK+ 'toolchain' as packaged by Tor Lillqvist (those packages' .pc files need fixing). It probably means that if someone runs The Gimp, he already has installed a compatible runtime, not needed anymore in the installer. I didn't check this.

Christophe GISQUET
Hello! This is a signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature

Attachment: configure.diff
Description: Text document

Attachment: README.diff
Description: Text document

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