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Re: [Demexp-dev] 0.5 step closer to OCaml Summer of Code

From: ketty
Subject: Re: [Demexp-dev] 0.5 step closer to OCaml Summer of Code
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 15:31:51 +0100

On 2/7/07, Frederic Lehobey <address@hidden> wrote:
Than you can already change and correct the tag (existing feature).
Then you remove such a confusing tag from the questions already
carrying it (no need to delete the tag).

Yes, i see that what i realy need to do is correct a design issue in
the client. Currently when you browse for questions you are presented
with a list of all tags (even if no question is using them)q And the
procedure to introduce a new tag is to first add it to the list of
tags (and then you can later use it on a question) - this has the
consequence that allthough you could hide unused tags when browsing
they need to be shown when tagging questions.
I should at least hide unused tags while browsing, but if new tags are
inroduced when tagging questions instead of in a contextless void,
then unused tags can be hided also when tagging. (and there could be a
small button or something to show all tags if needed)

So i guess everything is in order here (appart from the fact that it
is not implemented ^^)

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