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Re: beginning repeat sign deletes barline?

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: beginning repeat sign deletes barline?
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 09:10:50 +0000
User-agent: Evolution 3.46.4-2

On Mon, 2023-11-06 at 16:42 -0800, Donald J. Stewart wrote:
> I added a Repeat Start Barline command to a measure with a key change
> and it not only doesn't print, it completely leaves out the barline.
Testing your example I get the repeat start barline typesetting as
expected. If you use the command:

Command: Quick LilyPond Export
Exports as LilyPond to a file named the same as the .denemo file but
with .ly suffix.
Location: Main Menu ▶ File ▶ Export As
Internal Name: QuickLilyPondExport

you could compare the file with the one I got (attached).
I've attached the PDFs as created from that .ly file by running
LilyPond on it as well as the PDF created by Denemo directly from your

BTW - at one time I recall a thread "trills and beams across barlines"
but it never appears to have been resolved. Did this problem evaporate?

> I then tried Double Bar Repeat Start command and that works fine -- I
> just don't want the additional double bar added to the end of the
> line.
> am I missing something?
> _____________________________________________
> D o    n a    l    d    J     S  t   e     w    a   r        t
>            s     o    u   n      d        -          X

Attachment: repeat bar
Description: Text Data

Attachment: repeat bar example.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: repeat bar example-Default Score Layout.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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