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[Discuss-gnuradio] New GNU Radio 3.8 GUI Widgets

From: GhostOp14
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] New GNU Radio 3.8 GUI Widgets
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2019 14:13:47 -0400

Hi folks, just pushed a beta of a new OOT module set (gr-guiextra) for GR 3.8 on github.  Bringing more GUI widgets to the interface.  More to come but here's what's included so far:

Dial - Think of this as your volume dial control.  Supports both variables and messages.
Digital Number Control (Frequency Control) - Very similar to SDR-based stand-alone applications, clicking the numbers can adjust frequency, or it can be set in read-only mode for display only.  Supports both controlling a variable and input / output messages.
LED Indicator - Just as it sounds.  On-screen LED.  You can choose the on/off colors and supports both variables and messages to control state.
Linear Gauge (Progress Bar) - Linear progress bar / linear gauge, either horizontal or vertical.  Colors can be chosen for the background and the bar, and it is controllable via variable or message.
Graphics Item - Drop a graphic anywhere in your GNU Radio app screen.  You can also control the file based on input messages to change the graphic on the fly.
Toggle Button - Push to hold down.  Push again to release.  Both variables and messages available.
Message-based Checkbox - Like a standard checkbox, but a message is produced on check / uncheck.
Message Push-button - Produce a message when the button is pushed.  (This is different than the toggle in that this bounces back to release like a traditional button when pressed and a message is only produced on press).
Compass - Provides an on-screen compass with 3 different choices for the needle (full, half, and -pi to pi with DoA uncertainty)
App Background - While stylesheets can be used to change an app, that can be cumbersome if all you want is to change the background color or display a background graphic.  This drop-in control lets you do either or both.
Distance "Radar" - Similar to the old-school signal trackers, this widget produces a radar-like screen and draws a "contact" circle at a distance of your choosing controlled by an inbound message.

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