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Re: Why is GNUstep less successful than GTK and Qt??

From: Chris B. Vetter
Subject: Re: Why is GNUstep less successful than GTK and Qt??
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 10:37:37 -0700

On 11 Jun 2003 21:04:59 -0700
jmckitrick@yahoo.com (jonathon) wrote:
> Is it because they are C/C++ based?

If real life resembles what we see on a daily basis on #GNUstep in IRC
(and I have no reason to doubt that) the problems people new to GNUstep
have are along the following line:

- lack of (clear/clean) documentation
  eg. where can the docu to XY be found, why is docu for YZ missing

- confusing dependencies
  eg. which version of freetype for backart

- lack of support for operating system XY
  eg. Solaris, OpenBSD (just ask Riccardo ;-)

Those people lucky (?) enough to drop by in #GNUstep almost all pose the
same questions and present the same problems over and over again, and in
almost all cases, we can help them out.

However, those who don't drop by, will simply give up when/if it seems
too hard to figure it out on their own.


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