On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 22:27, Philippe Roussel<p.o.roussel@free.fr> wrote:
What is the problem with a repository containing core, dev-libs and dev-apps?
It should be small enough for anyone to have on his hardrive and it gives
you the atomic commit you need.
Just to try, I have cloned the gna svn repository using git-svn [1].
After almost 24 hours running, it has 4.7 gigabytes, but it contains
the whole commit history in my machine. I was thinking to push to
github to see how it goes, but they limit the size of repositories to
100 megabytes as far as I remember.
I think it is better to rely on widely used tools, such as git or
mercurial, than on others, even if they lack some features. In the
long term, the benefits of the distributed philosophy are likely to
surpass their drawbacks. At the end, it might be just a question of
adapting yourself to a new tool.
[1] git svn clone http://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/