Hi again,
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 23:01, Philippe Roussel<p.o.roussel@free.fr> wrote:
Just to try, I have cloned the gna svn repository using git-svn [1].
After almost 24 hours running, it has 4.7 gigabytes, but it contains
the whole commit history in my machine. I was thinking to push to
github to see how it goes, but they limit the size of repositories to
100 megabytes as far as I remember.
Ok, I'm out ! I thought it would take an order of magnitude less. I stand
Not really. I cloned it again locally but now towards a bare
repository (a bare repository contains only the history, without the
checkout of a revision). Amazing as it seems, the whole Gnustep
history is then compressed to ~120 megabytes. First revision dates
back to 1994. Newest one is from yesterday.