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Re: git mirror

From: Philippe Roussel
Subject: Re: git mirror
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 23:33:04 +0100
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Le 15/02/2012 23:05, Lucas Schnorr a écrit :
Hi again,

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 23:01, Philippe Roussel<p.o.roussel@free.fr>  wrote:
Just to try, I have cloned the gna svn repository using git-svn [1].
After almost 24 hours running, it has 4.7 gigabytes, but it contains
the whole commit history in my machine. I was thinking to push to
github to see how it goes, but they limit the size of repositories to
100 megabytes as far as I remember.

Ok, I'm out ! I thought it would take an order of magnitude less. I stand

Not really. I cloned it again locally but now towards a bare
repository (a bare repository contains only the history, without the
checkout of a revision). Amazing as it seems, the whole Gnustep
history is then compressed to ~120 megabytes. First revision dates
back to 1994. Newest one is from yesterday.

Ok, I'm in again, thanks !

The 4.7 gigabytes contains the Gnustep history plus the checkout of
one of the revisions, in this case the one from February 14th.

There's something fishy here. How can you go from 120 Mo to 4.7 Go with just a checkout ? My full gnustep checkout (not even distclean'ed) use 851 Mo. After some cleaning it's down to 592 Mo.


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