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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Python 3 support?

From: Niko Wenselowski
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Python 3 support?
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2015 13:47:51 +0200
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Hello Michael,

thanks for your answer!

On 09.07.2015 01:38, Michael Terry wrote:
> The old branch you see is probably one of my attempts to fix up the
> unicode vs byte literal issue.  Duplicity needs to treat filenames as
> bytes, but it has so many places where it mixes filenames with unicode
> strings.  So it's a bit of a bear to fix all at once.  And trunk keeps
> changing under the branch.  About once a year I dust it off, try to
> update it with trunk, then give up shortly after.  This bytes/string
> mismatch is the biggest chunk of work for a python3 port.
> The other big issue with python3 is getting the various backends to
> work.  They have some exotic imports, not all of which have python3
> versions.  It's OK to have a python3 duplicity that doesn't support all
> backends, of course.  But it'd be nice to have them.
I agree that having all backends ported to Python 3 is desirable but
would not depend on this.

Is there any chance that the changes to support Python 3 will be merged
into the normal development branch so one can work with that + Python 3?

Side question: is there any chance that duplicity will switch away from
Launchpad soon? It makes contributing to a duplicity hard for me and I
believe that putting it on Bitbucket / Github would attract developers.

Kind regards


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