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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Private key management, signature verification

From: Jeff Rizzo
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Private key management, signature verification
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 07:47:17 -0700
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On 7/21/15 2:17 AM, address@hidden wrote:
On 21.07.2015 01:16, Jeff Rizzo wrote:
First off, a brief description of what I'm trying to accomplish:

I'd like to have a "master" key which can decrypt backups, but whose private key doesn't 
live on any backed-up host.   I seem to have ALMOST achieved what I want with the script 
"duply" and duplicity 0.6.24/0.6.25 (it's what I currently have available - i'd be 
willing to move to a newer version if it actually fixes things).


I can successfully create backups from the original host using "duply".  This 
host has the private key for EA2F12BE on it.

On the "restore" host, which has the key FA174E5B but not EA2F12BE, I create a 
config file that looks like this:

ulimit -n 2048
#DUPL_PARAMS="${DUPL_PARAMS} --ssh-options='-oIdentityFile=/root/.ssh/id-backups' 
DUPL_PARAMS="${DUPL_PARAMS} --ssh-backend=pexpect "

Using this file, I can eventually do a "duply test3 list" and get a list of 
backed-up files (there are some errors of the form:

OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: 

which occur, but don't happen on the second run).

I can _also_ restore some files. However, after restoring the first volume, I 
get this error:

Volume was signed by key EA2F12BE, not FA174E5B

...which makes sense.  But really, I'd like to check that the signature from 
EA2F12BE is good.  Adding it to GPG_KEY_SIGN is no good, because the script 
expects me to have the private key then. (huh?)

Does anyone have a suggestion for tweaks to make to achieve my goal?   Thanks!


assuming FA174E5B is your "master key". if you _only_ want to restore/verify on 
the second host simply use the same duply conf parameters as on the backup host but 
install only these keys
1. EA2F12BE public key (needed to verify signature)
2. FA174E5B secret and public key (needed for decryption)

actually duply has the functionality to ex/reimport used keys into the profile. so once 
your backup is set up properly you can copy the profile folder over to your second 
machine and it will install the keys that were used on the backup box. suggesting that it 
makes your approach kind of senseless as you can easily reuse the "machine" key.

I suspect that there is primarily a setup problem, but it's certainly not clear how to achieve the goal. I have had the public key for EA2F12BE available since the beginning, but I can't figure out how to tell duply to use the master for decryption but not for signature verification.

btw. the "Volume was signed by .." is no fatal error, meaning the restore will 
continue albeit with an error exit code, suggesting you to check the log.

That's what I originally thought, but it actually hangs there. The first volume has been extracted, that message appears, and no further progress is made. I also notice that the temp directory has been deleted and no new temp directory created. This may well be unrelated to signing, but it's definitely something I'm having an issue with. :/ If it matters, I'm using duplicity 0.6.24 to create the backup, and 0.6.25 to extract. (i'd considered trying newer versions, but I don't see anything in changelogs that grabs me as being the problem)

another option:

you could simply disable signing, because
- the "machine" public key is _only_ used on that machine
- if someone gains access to it he can easily backup malicious data and sign it as well 
because he also has access to the "machine" secret key

I've considered that, but wish to pursue this first. Also, I have not actually gotten a backup to fully extract on the destination - once I can back up and restore reliably, I can sort out the rest.

Thanks for your response. I'm not really sure where to go next, but I guess I can try fiddling with the signature.


PS- "duply.net" is hosted by sourceforge, which has been having all kinds of issues lately. Do you have any plans to migrate off SF.net? If not, I'd suggest making some...

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