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[eLyXer-users] elyxer include verbatim problem

From: address@hidden
Subject: [eLyXer-users] elyxer include verbatim problem
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 15:17:51 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20081209)


I am having the following elyxer problem.

I include a simple text (child) document, verbatim
in my top level lyx document.

   Insert->File->Child Document...
   Include Type: Verbatim.

The resulting lyx code looks like this:

   \begin_layout Standard
   \begin_inset CommandInset include
   LatexCommand verbatiminput
   filename "notes.txt"

The file notes.txt is a plain text file
which I have pre-formatted in a text editor
and includes no lyx formating constructs.

This publishes as expected with the PDF output option.

This publishes as expected with the old, latex2html back end.

But, when I run my .lyx file through elyxer
all newlines and indentation are removed from my child
notes.txt file and my pre-formatting is lost. I think it
just needs to be surrounded with <pre>...</pre> as part
of the elyxer processing.

I am not familiar with python or the elyxer code (yet)
to fix this myself.



I am sitting in front of computer running RedHat #4
and Lyx version: 1.6.4

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