— Unstable Debian comes with Emacs 26, Ubuntu gets Emacs from Debian.
— Arch comes with version 26, AURʼs ‘emacs27’ is 27.0.60 — an outdated February
snapshot [1].
— Unstable Nix, again, contain 26th Emacs.
— Fedora provides only stable version of Emacs.
— Homebrew — guess what?
And even pretest releases for Windows do not seem to be mentioned in any way
on<https://gnu.org/s/emacs>. How users are supposed to get them?
They aren't. We cannot control the policies of the various distros,
and cannot rely on them for being part of the pretest. Sometimes they
are, nonetheless, presumably because the people who are responsible
for the distros read the announcements about the pretests, and that is
good. But it isn't the main means for pretesting.