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Re: The Emacs master is much slower than the emacs-27 branch.

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: The Emacs master is much slower than the emacs-27 branch.
Date: Sat, 05 Dec 2020 15:15:40 +0000
User-agent: Alpine 2.22 (NEB 394 2020-01-19)

It occurred to me that the differences in the relative performance could be due to a different GCC version and/

GCC is not the problem here, I just ran the same benchmark with Emacs 27 compiled with different versions of GCC:

    | GCC 8.4 | GCC 9.3 | GCC 10.2 |
-Og |    ~67s |    ~68s |     ~67s |
-O0 |    ~63s |    ~63s |     ~63s |
-O1 |    ~26s |    ~27s |     ~26s |
-O2 |    ~18s |    ~18s |     ~18s |
-O3 |    ~18s |    ~17s |     ~17s |

or the effect of inlining on 32-bit code vs 64-bit code produced by GCC.

That's possible indeed.

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