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Re: Unicode characters display issue

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Unicode characters display issue
Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2023 15:25:07 +0300

> From: Thanos Apollo <public@thanosapollo.com>
> Cc: emacs-devel@gnu.org
> Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2023 14:53:59 +0300
> Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:
> > It's hard to answer your questions without knowing what you did,
> > exactly.  Can you come up with a simplified Lisp program that behaves
> > like you describe, so that we could study it and see what you are
> > doing wrong?
> Thanks for the reply!
> ``` 
> (switch-to-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
> "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=greece+survivor"; t t))
> ```
> After evaluating the above code and searching forward for "videoid"
> you will be presented with unicode character sequences.

This is a unibyte buffer: "M-: enable-multibyte-characters RET"
reports nil.  So what you see are raw bytes of the encoded text.  You
need to decode it, e.g., by using decode-coding-region.  The header
says "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8", so the coding-system to
use in decoding is utf-8.  For example:

  (decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) 'utf-8
                        (get-buffer-create "decoded"))

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