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Re: Transient: accessibility problems for users who need to use large fo

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: Re: Transient: accessibility problems for users who need to use large fonts (was: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark? (was: Fwd: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?))
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 18:50:19 -0700

my idea is to wrap within the column of text in the menu.  e.g. the
3rd column of text.  like reflowing.  it seems better than all other
solutions i came up with.

to me, the problem with truncation is that it requires horizontal
scrolling.  in my case, vertical scrolling is preferable to horizontal

by analogy, consider websites with pars that do not reflow.  if you
use large text, and every line goes past rhs.  then you have to
horizontally scroll both right and left for every line of the

with text columns, this can sometimes be less of a problem, if you can
fit a column, but it is a problem if long lines exist in a single
column, or if you want to compare columns line by line.

horizontal scrolling is useful on general principles, if combined with
toggle truncate lines, so i like the idea of adding it, but it does
not solve this particular problem.

On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 3:53 AM Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li> wrote:
> If I understand the below correctly, you prefer noticeable truncation
> in combination with convenient scrolling support, over wrapping (which
> is bound to look bad and confusing, even if we optimize some more).
> That is my own preference (too?), and we can look into further tweaks
> in that direction next year.
>      Jonas
> Samuel Wales <samologist@gmail.com> writes:
> > On Tue, Dec 17, 2024 at 11:02 AM Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> wrote:
> >> In other words, you need visual-line-mode inside transient buffers. Do I
> >> understand correctly?
> >
> > that sounds similar to current behavior.
> >
> > my suggestion would wrap to the character column of the beginning of
> > the third text column.
> >
> > similar to html for non-first table cells.  not lhs.
> >
> > lorem ipsum        akemashite omedetou    hello
> > asjnfaksjdnf         ajsk dfnkajsd fkaj sf        this line
> >                                                                    long
> >
> > code likely exists someplace in core for this.  in org or a browser.
> >
> >> I think you can bind SPC and DEL in `transient-base-map' to make things
> >> easier for you. I agree that SPC/DEL doing scrolling are expected from a
> >> menu.
> >
> > thank you.
> >
> > it would make sense, for me, usually, for SPC to wrap around to first
> > page in menus, so that DEL is not strictly needed.  transient wraps
> > for arrow; idk SPC.
> >
> >> On my side, there is an indication after I customized
> >> (setq-default indicate-buffer-boundaries 'left)
> >
> > you are absolutely right.  i have had something similar forever.
> >
> > the reason i didn't notice it is 1] for me the fringe glyph is small
> > -- can it be larger? and 2] the cursor is always at bol in transient
> > in my case for that menu, so the fringe is less noticeable next to a
> > large block cursor.
> >
> > also, i just noticed that transient has a dim horizontal line at eob
> > in that menu which is thoughtful and useful.  i don't know what face
> > it uses.
> >
> >> which exact menu you are talking about and when did scroll stopped
> >> working? I may be missing something.
> >
> > i don't think you're missing anything significant.  i didn't mean to
> > make you do forensics.  it was merely a recollection of a possibility;
> >  i'd find it useful if todo kw scrolled, but i cannot say that it
> > regressed.

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