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Re: Some experience with the igc branch

From: Gerd Möllmann
Subject: Re: Some experience with the igc branch
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:56:11 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Pip Cet <pipcet@protonmail.com> writes:

> 3. bytecode stack marking.  That comment raises my red-flag alert,
> because it sounds like we're just accepting a preventable crash at this
> stage rather than wanting to do anything about it.  The reality, of
> course, is different, but I'd be happier if we refused to create a byte
> code object that intends to use more stack than we can guarantee we
> would scan.  Can we do that?
> Pip

You mean my comment here?

static mps_res_t
scan_bc (mps_ss_t ss, void *start, void *end, void *closure)
    struct igc_thread_list *t = closure;
    struct bc_thread_state *bc = &t->d.ts->bc;
    igc_assert (start == (void *) bc->stack);
    igc_assert (end == (void *) bc->stack_end);
    /* FIXME/igc: AFAIU the current top frame starts at
       bc->fp->next_stack and has a maximum length that is given by the
       bytecode being executed (COMPILED_STACK_DEPTH). So, we need to
       scan upto bc->fo->next_stack + that max depth to be safe.  Since
       I don't have that number ATM, I'm using an arbitrary estimate for

       This must be changed to something better. Note that Mattias said
       the bc stack marking will be changed in the future.  */
    const size_t HORRIBLE_ESTIMATE = 1024;
    char *scan_end = bc_next_frame (bc->fp);
    scan_end += HORRIBLE_ESTIMATE;
    end = min (end, (void *) scan_end);
    if (end > start)
      IGC_FIX_CALL (ss, scan_ambig (ss, start, end, NULL));
  MPS_SCAN_END (ss);
  return MPS_RES_OK;

I never felt like changing the byte code stack, TBH. For reasons :-).

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