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Re: Freezing frame with igc

From: Óscar Fuentes
Subject: Re: Freezing frame with igc
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2024 12:55:15 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

(CC list trimmed)

Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> writes:

>>>>> Redisplay just stopped while showing the menu, no crash nor infinite
>>>>> loop, its CPU usage was typical for the repeating timers that my config
>>>>> creates.
>>>> That's a bit odd.  It might be the signal issue, but that's purely a
>>>> guess.  If it happens again, please let us know.
>>> Sure.
>> I'm not a hundred percent sure, because I was testing other changes, but
>> I just observed an Emacs session in a very similar state to what you
>> describe: very little but nonzero CPU usage, but unresponsive to X
>> interactions.  I attached gdb, observed it was stuck in read_char, then
>> I messed up and set Vquit_flag to Qt, at which point the Emacs session
>> recovered and seems fully usable once more (it did take a while to do
>> so, though).  So no valuable debug info this time, hope I'll hit it
>> again.
>> Again, it's possible this is a similar-looking but different bug,
>> possibly caused by local changes.
>> I don't think read_char or its subroutines even use MPS memory, though?
>> As this is a GTK build, and yours wasn't, we should probably look at X
>> interaction code shared between the GTK and non-GTK builds.
>> Pip
> That reminds of something. Maybe what you've seen is completely
> unrelated, it's impossible to tell, but please find below a comment that
> I added to do_switch_frame in frame.c.


At the time I was working with two frames. The frame where I tried to
show the menu went blank.

I use mini-echo [1], which removes the mode line and uses the echo area
instead, periodically (0.3 seconds) updating the echo area (it has a
cache for not updating when there are no changes, but my experience is
that the updates are very frequent.)

So it could be that mini-echo tried to update the echo area (of both
frames, because it shows the same text on all frames) at an "unfortunate
time" while the menu was being displayed. I don't know if this
hypothesis even makes sense.

BTW, I'm fairly sure that mini-echo was the responsible of the small CPU
activity I saw on htop after Emacs UI froze.

1. https://github.com/liuyinz/mini-echo.el

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