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Re: Tree-sitter maturity

From: Yuan Fu
Subject: Re: Tree-sitter maturity
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:59:50 -0800

> On Dec 29, 2024, at 12:41 AM, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 03:01:44 -0500
>> From: Daniel Colascione <dancol@dancol.org>
>>>> Enforcing this policy will just mean that Emacs doesn't support *at all* 
>>>> some languages out of the box and will put even more wind in the sails of 
>>>> soft forks like Doom. Tree sitter language descriptions are free software. 
>>>> There's no reason not to rely on them.
>>> We started with this concept of adding tree-sitter based modes to
>>> auto-mode-alist by default, but found that people who don't have the
>>> grammar installed didn't appreciate seeing the warnings about the
>>> missing grammars.  So Emacs 29 made these modes optional, activated
>>> only by an explicit user action.  Emacs 30 still does that.
>>> We are currently discussing how to improve this (see the thread Re:
>>> Turning on/off tree-sitter modes, which seems to have stalled lately).
>>> But until the grammar libraries are ubiquitous, and we can rely on
>>> them being present on most systems, I think we will still need some
>>> user say-so before enabling tree-sitter based modes.
>> Wouldn't vendoring the grammars, and maybe even tree sitter itself, silence 
>> the complaints about the warnings? Tree sitter is pure algorithmic code. It 
>> doesn't have any particular platform dependencies. Why not simplify the 
>> whole system and make it a mandatory (and optionally bundled) dependency so 
>> that the show cognitive load of having to consider non-TS environments is 
>> just deleted?
> First, the tree-sitter library itself is optional, so Emacs could be
> built without it.  Or are you suggesting to import the library as well
> into Emacs?  If we don't import the library, making it a mandatory
> dependency is not TRT, IMO, because some users don't need the modes
> supported by tree-sitter, so forcing them to install the library that
> is not really useful to them is not right.  We never do anything like
> that with any other external libraries.  GMP is special, but even for
> it we added our own "mini-gmp".
> Next, importing the grammar libraries into Emacs is not a simple
> matter, either.  Their sources are in JavaScript, so if we want to let
> users produce modified grammars (as we do with everything we have in
> the release tarballs), they will need to have Node.js etc. installed,
> which will become a prerequisite.  And there are other complications,
> like the need to sync regularly with their upstream repositories.
> Moreover, there's no precedent for doing this, if you exclude lwlib
> and oldXMenu (which are different, since they are not developed
> outside Emacs).
> So I, for one, am not very happy to add this to our maintenance
> burden.  It might make things easier for some (but see below), but it
> doesn't come for free.
> I also don't understand the fuss, really.  Compiling a grammar library
> after cloning the repository takes seconds, so why do we have to do
> all this on behalf of the users if the users can do it so easily, even
> if distros don't?  E.g., I have on my system almost 70 grammar
> libraries, which I regularly update and build with a small number of
> simple Makefiles -- how hard can that be for anyone who is interested
> in these modes?  Why does it have to be _our_ responsibility, any more
> than, say, Grep or Findutils -- which are also heavily used by Emacs?
> Or even the image libraries?  Why shouldn't this be the job of the
> distros?  The upstream project doesn't have to think about packaging,
> it's the job of the distros.

Also, distros are picking up on packaging tree-sitter grammars, so I’m hopeful 
of a future where Emacs is packaged with tree-sitter grammars for the builtin 
major modes. And AFAIK packagers very much dislike editors bundling tree-sitter 
library and grammars themselves.

Bundling grammars has another complication which is tree-sitter library-grammar 
compatibility. If we were to bundle grammars, we must also bundle tree-sitter 
library, lest we risk to encounter a tree-sitter library provided by the system 
that’s incompatible with the bundled grammars. And bundling the tree-sitter 
library is obviously undesirable.


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