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Re: Alternative defaults for visually impaired users? (was: [RFC] The be

From: John ff
Subject: Re: Alternative defaults for visually impaired users? (was: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark? (was: Fwd: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?))
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 12:34:20 +0000
User-agent: Android

An an

On 24 Dec 2024, at 09:23, Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> wrote:
Samuel Wales <samologist@gmail.com> writes:

in some places, can emacs query the window and the data to determine
whether large font size [or possibly thought of as small window size]
is likely interfering with good information display?

Do you mean the situations like multi-column transient menus + line
wrapping? I am not sure if there is a good universal way to address such
situation other than forcing a single column...

[NEXT LEVEL?:] can emacs automatically dtrt in some cases, thus
converting from "accessibility needed" into "taking into account
window size is normal in emacs"?

What would be the right thing though?

incidentally, i will expand on my mouse-only-mode and kb-only-mode
thing. for those who cannot lift their arms without consequences,
switching between mouse and kb is an issue. that makes supporting
both useful.

Are there any specific places where you have to mix mouse and keyboard?

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