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Re: Tree-sitter maturity

From: Björn Bidar
Subject: Re: Tree-sitter maturity
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 16:35:51 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org> writes:

> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>   > > Ideally, users should be able install the grammars separately, perhaps
>   > > using their `make install' or `apt', and Emacs would only use them
>   > > where they normally get installed.  That is ideal because it is not
>   > > very integrated -- it preserves modularity.  In particular, it assures
>   > > that the details of how they get installed are not a direct concern of
>   > > Emacs maintenance.
>   > Emacs needs to be built with the tree-sitter library to support the
>   > modes based on it, and the grammar library needs to be installed.
> That makes sense, but are we talking about two different issues?  I
> though we were talking about various grammars, each for some specific
> language to be parsed.  When you say "the grammar library", does it
> mean those same grammars?

The grammar DSL is converted into a generated parser with tree-sitter,
the generated output is a .c file. The file is that compiled into a
library when is then loaded using the regular methods to load libraries
with the addition of possible extra path if the user has set them.

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