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[elpa] externals/dict-tree 3a18a06 042/154: Modified dictree-populate-fr

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/dict-tree 3a18a06 042/154: Modified dictree-populate-from-file to read linearly by default,
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 12:21:40 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/dict-tree
commit 3a18a0626820b528f86f50ace89c7e3d36f2b2fa
Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: tsc25 <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Modified dictree-populate-from-file to read linearly by default,
    from median outwards as an option.
 dict-tree.el | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dict-tree.el b/dict-tree.el
index d0b3f7d..46dfdf4 100644
--- a/dict-tree.el
+++ b/dict-tree.el
@@ -2636,7 +2636,7 @@ is the prefix argument."
 ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;                Dumping and restoring contents
-(defun dictree-populate-from-file (dict file)
+(defun dictree-populate-from-file (dict file &optional balance)
   "Populate dictionary DICT from the key list in file FILE.
 Each line of FILE should contain a key, either a string
@@ -2656,8 +2656,11 @@ Interactively, DICT and FILE are read from the 
 The key, data and property list are read as lisp expressions
-using `read'. There is no guarantee that the keys will be read
-from FILE in order."
+using `read'. The keys will be read from FILE in order, unless
+BALANCE is non-nil, in which case they are read from the median
+element outwards (which can help ensure efficient data structures
+are created when using a trie that is not self-balancing, see
   (interactive (list (read-dict "Dictionary: ")
                     (read-file-name "File to populate from: " nil "" t)))
@@ -2665,18 +2668,20 @@ from FILE in order."
       (message "Dictionary %s NOT populated" (dictree-name dict))
-      (let ((buff (generate-new-buffer " *dictree-populate*")))
-       ;; insert the key list into a temporary buffer
+      (let ((buff (find-file-noselect file)))
        (set-buffer buff)
-       (insert-file-contents file)
        ;; insert the keys starting from the median to ensure a reasonably
        ;; well-balanced tree
        (let* ((lines (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))
               (midpt (+ (/ lines 2) (mod lines 2)))
+         (message "Inserting keys in %s...(1 of %d)"
+                  (dictree-name dict) lines)
          ;; insert the median key and set the dictionary's modified flag
-         (dictree--goto-line midpt)
+         (if balance
+             (dictree--goto-line midpt)
+           (goto-char (point-min)))
          (when (setq entry
                      (condition-case nil
                          (dictree--read-line dict)
@@ -2685,12 +2690,12 @@ from FILE in order."
            (dictree-insert dict (car entry) (nth 1 entry))
            (setf (dictree--cell-plist (dictree--lookup dict (car entry) nil))
                  (nth 2 entry)))
-         (message "Inserting keys in %s...(1 of %d)"
-                  (dictree-name dict) lines)
          ;; insert keys successively further away from the median in both
          ;; directions
-         (dotimes (i (1- midpt))
-           (dictree--goto-line (+ midpt i 1))
+         (dotimes (i (1- (if balance midpt lines)))
+           (if balance
+               (dictree--goto-line (+ midpt i 1))
+             (forward-line 1))
            (when (setq entry
                        (condition-case nil
                            (dictree--read-line dict)
@@ -2702,19 +2707,21 @@ from FILE in order."
            (when (= 49 (mod i 50))
              (message "Inserting keys in %s...(%d of %d)"
                       (dictree-name dict) (+ (* 2 i) 2) lines))
-           (dictree--goto-line (- midpt i 1))
-           (when (setq entry
-                       (condition-case nil
-                           (dictree--read-line dict)
-                         (error (error "Error reading line %d of %s"
-                                       (- midpt i 1) file))))
-             (dictree-insert dict (car entry) (nth 1 entry))
-             (setf (dictree--cell-plist (dictree--lookup dict (car entry) nil))
-                   (nth 2 entry))))
-         ;; if file contains an even number of keys, we still have to add
-         ;; the last one
-         (when (= 0 (mod lines 2))
+           (when balance
+             (dictree--goto-line (- midpt i 1))
+             (when (setq entry
+                         (condition-case nil
+                             (dictree--read-line dict)
+                           (error (error "Error reading line %d of %s"
+                                         (- midpt i 1) file))))
+               (dictree-insert dict (car entry) (nth 1 entry))
+               (setf
+                (dictree--cell-plist (dictree--lookup dict (car entry) nil))
+                (nth 2 entry)))))
+         ;; if inserting from mid-point out, and file contains an even number
+         ;; of keys, we still have to add the last one
+         (when (and balance (= 0 (mod lines 2)))
            (dictree--goto-line lines)
            (when (setq entry
                        (condition-case nil
@@ -2724,8 +2731,8 @@ from FILE in order."
              (dictree-insert dict (car entry) (nth 1 entry))
              (setf (dictree--cell-plist (dictree--lookup dict (car entry) nil))
                    (nth 2 entry))))
-         (message "Inserting keys in %s...done" (dictree-name dict)))
+         (message "Inserting keys in %s...done" (dictree-name dict)))
        (kill-buffer buff)))))

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