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[elpa] externals/dict-tree e1a9f19 051/154: Documentation updates relate

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/dict-tree e1a9f19 051/154: Documentation updates related to wildcard searches and predictive features that make use of them
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 12:21:42 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/dict-tree
commit e1a9f191fad4ed43cab7119991031031cd752a53
Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: tsc25 <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Documentation updates related to wildcard searches and predictive features 
that make use of them
 dict-tree.el | 72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dict-tree.el b/dict-tree.el
index df0f3db..dd00d3a 100644
--- a/dict-tree.el
+++ b/dict-tree.el
@@ -2118,6 +2118,78 @@ completion, and its associated data."
 (defun dictree-wildcard-search
   (dict pattern
        &optional rank-function maxnum reverse no-cache filter strip-data)
+  "Return an alist containing all matches for PATTERN in TRIE
+along with their associated data, in the order defined by
+RANKFUN, defaulting to \"lexical\" order (i.e. the order defined
+by the trie's comparison function). If REVERSE is non-nil, the
+completions are sorted in the reverse order. If no completions
+are found, return nil.
+PATTERN must be a sequence (vector, list or string) containing
+either elements of the type used to reference data in the trie,
+or any the characters `*', `?', `[', `]', `^' or `\\'. The
+meaning and syntax of these special characters follows shell-glob
+  *  wildcard
+    Matches zero or more characters.
+  ?  wildcard
+    Matches any single character.
+  [...]  character alternative
+    Matches any of the listed characters.
+  [^...]  negated character alternative
+    Matches any character *other* then those listed.
+  []..]  character alternative including `]'
+    Matches any of the listed characters, including `]'.
+  \\  quote literal
+    Causes the next element of the pattern sequence to be treated
+    literally; special characters lose their special meaning, for
+    anything else it has no effect.
+To include a `]' in a character alternative, place it immediately
+after the opening `['. To include a literal `\\', quote it with
+another `\\' (remember that `\\' also has to be quoted within
+elisp strings, so as a string this would be \"\\\\\\\\\"). The
+above syntax descriptions are written in terms of strings, but
+the special characters can be used in *any* sequence
+type. E.g. the character alternative \"[abc]\" would be \(?[ ?a
+?b ?c ?]\) as a list, or [?[ ?a ?b ?c ?]] as a vector. The
+\"characters\" in the alternative can of course be any data type
+that might be stored in the trie, not just actual characters.
+If PATTERN is a string, it must be possible to apply `string' to
+individual elements of the sequences stored in the trie. The
+matches returned in the alist will be sequences of the same type
+as KEY. If PATTERN is a list of pattern sequences, matches for
+all patterns in the list are included in the returned alist. All
+sequences in the list must be of the same type.
+The optional integer argument MAXNUM limits the results to the
+first MAXNUM matches. Otherwise, all matches are returned.
+If specified, RANKFUN must accept two arguments, both cons
+cells. The car contains a sequence from the trie (of the same
+type as PREFIX), the cdr contains its associated data. It should
+return non-nil if first argument is ranked strictly higher than
+the second, nil otherwise.
+If the optional argument NO-CACHE is non-nil, it prevents caching
+of the result. Ignored for dictionaries that do not have
+completion caching enabled.
+The FILTER argument sets a filter function for the matches. If
+supplied, it is called for each possible match with two
+arguments: the matching key, and its associated data. If the
+filter function returns nil, the match is not included in the
+results, and does not count towards MAXNUM.
+If STRIP-DATA is non-nil, a list of completions is
+returned (rather than an alist), without the data."
   ;; run wildcard query
    dict pattern

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