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Re: [emacs-humanities] Why Emacs-humanities?

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: Re: [emacs-humanities] Why Emacs-humanities?
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2020 10:39:50 -0600

"Paul W. Rankin via Emacs-humanities" <emacs-humanities@gnu.org> writes:

> Why Emacs-humanities?
> A few people have raised this question so as the person who put forth
> the proposal, the blame likely lies with me. And so, I'll attempt to
> articulate the motivation...

Thanks for pushing for this list.  I'm looking forward to see this
community develop.

My academic background is in computer science, but I now work with
things closer to humanities.  My Emacs usage is probably fairly typical:
heavy use of Org-mode, which I use for organizing most of my daily
activities, work and hobbies, note taking, writing articles,
translating, etc.  I use elfeed to keep up with a large number of news
sources, and notmuch for email.  And I hack Emacs Lisp for fun.

I'm personally interested in hearing how Emacs helps people manage
studies and/or research in subjects like history and philosophy, as well
as to support their writing.

(I've been planning to look into org-roam and other Zettelkasten systems
but haven't yet found the time or energy to dig very deep.  I did read
the book "How to take Smart Notes", so maybe one day soon...)

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