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Re: [emacs-humanities] Citations in org-mode

From: Greg Bognar
Subject: Re: [emacs-humanities] Citations in org-mode
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:55:20 +0100

Hi Joe,

I found a better solution for suppressing the list of references after I sent my
email: just add an option to the org file, like so:

#+suppress-bibliography: t

Pandoc will then convert the document without a list of references at the end.

I also found chicago-fullnote-bibliography-with-ibid.csl does what I want --
it's basically the same as your suggestion.

The docx file has footnotes, rather than endnotes (which would mimic the book
style I'm after), but I haven't yet found a way to make pandoc produce
endnotes.  However, it's probably better to let the publisher worry about that.

Thanks for your help!

All the best,

On Thu 11 Feb 2021 at 12:41 Joseph Johnson wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Glad to hear the Pandoc format suggestion was helpful.
> > However, in order to use the particular style I had in mind (full citation
> > in a footnote), I would need to find a .csl file to use.  I've looked at the
> > suggested link [1], but there are many and no descriptions of what they do;
> > the closest I found was `chicago-note-bibliography-with-ibid.csl'.  But it
> > does not print the full citation (only author and title) and generates a
> > list of references after the main body.
> >
> > Any suggestions?  Basically, what I'm looking for is analogous to Biblatex's
> > \footcite or \fullcite commands, with the ability to suppress the creation
> > of a separate list of references.  (This sort of system is standard in trade
> > books and can be found in some humanities books.)
> I think the citation style you're looking for is
> chicago-fullnote-bibliography.csl, which should at least format the notes
> correctly.
> As for the bibliography, one of the nice things about .csl files is that
> they're quite readable and can be edited. To suppress the bibliography, you
> can just open up the style, scroll to the bottom, and delete everything
> between <bibliography> and </bibliography>.  There may be a cleaner way, but I
> don't personally know it.
> All my best,
> Joe
> -- 
> Dr. Joseph R. Johnson
> Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies
> Georgetown University
> josephrjohnson.com

Greg Bognar
Department of Philosophy
Stockholm University and
Stockholm Centre for Healthcare Ethics (CHE)
Stockholm, Sweden

Web: https://gregbognar.net

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