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Re: [emacs-humanities] Emacs "Projects" management?

From: Juan Manuel Macías
Subject: Re: [emacs-humanities] Emacs "Projects" management?
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2021 11:05:26 +0000

Hi all,

Interesting thread. Here I leave my two cents for discussion...

Jean-Christophe Helary writes:

>> On Oct 6, 2021, at 17:39, Joost Kremers <joostkremers@fastmail.fm> wrote:
>> In the end, though, it really comes down to this question: what exactly do 
>> you
>> expect from your "project management" software? What should it be able to 
>> help
>> you with?
> It occurs to me that Alan may be looking for a global way to arbitrary link 
> his various files and locations.
> I do that here, on macOS by extensively using the OS provided tagging
> facilities. I can "call" all the tagged files in one (or many)
> category by using the system-wide search mechanism "Spotlight" and by
> specifying "tag: whatever" and then I have all the items tagged as
> such displayed in a centralized file manager window where I can work
> on them and they can be opened in their various associated
> applications, etc.
> I guess if there was a similar tagging system in Emacs (or is there?),
> it would be relatively easy to emulate a similar behavior.

Since I started using Org almost for everything, I have been forgetting
the traditional UNIX 'directory/file' scheme. I have not completely
forgotten it, but in my daily work I find it more comfortable to move
around 'objects' rather than directories or files. Objects are usually
Org nodes, and I make extensive use of org-attach (and org-git-attach)
to link folders or things (text files, PDFs, images, etc.) to each node.
And to semantically navigate through all of that I use
org-ql/helm-org-ql, which is an exceptional tool:

I also use multiple helm instances bundled into a single command:
helm-locate, helm-bookmarks, helm-recentf, helm-buffers-list, etc.,
which provide me with a very efficient and almost instantaneous semantic

Another tool that I use a lot is the deadgrep package, which is a
backend to ripgrep.

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

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